The Church of Ireland is a welcoming church.
The Diocese of Cork, Cloyne and Ross has the reputation of being a friendly and welcoming place and is often referred to as ‘the family diocese.’
Wherever you go in the Diocese, whether to a Church Service, as a visitor or tourist, as an enquirer about the Christian faith, you are welcome.
Some people show interest in entering more fully into belonging to the Church of Ireland. You are welcome to come along, to experience our worship and Church life, and to consider whether or not our way of being the Church – the Anglican/Episcopal way in Ireland – draws you closer to God and encourages you on your spiritual journey.
People who wish to join the Church of Ireland are encouraged, in the first instance, to attend church, and, over time, to explore the putting down of roots in a local parochial community.
All the clergy, in every place, are also available to speak with you and to answer your queries.