The Diocesan Ecumenical Officer is Canon Alan Marley.
The role of the Diocesan Ecumenical Officer is to encourage and resource members of the Diocese in their ecumenical relationships and ministry with other Christians inspired by the prayer of Jesus that ’they would all be one’ (John 17:21).
This is done collaboratively and ecumenically through the Cork Ecumenical Standing Committee representing the Church of Ireland, the Methodist Church, the Presbyterian Church and the Roman Catholic Church. As a group we have produced Local Ecumenical Guidelines and we lead the annual Cork City ecumenical service for the international Week of Prayer for Christian Unity. This service is hosted by different local church communities each year.
We are also available to offer guidance and support in local ecumenical matters and initiatives.
Although we represent the four main churches we also seek to work with other Christians and new churches and faith communities to build common friendship and deepen our understanding and common witness.
I also act as ecumenical advisor to the Bishop and represent the Church of Ireland at various ecumenical functions and ceremonies.