Place (Church):
- Cork University Hospital (Chapel of Christ the Healer)
- Cork University Maternity Hospital (Chapel of Christ the Healer)
Find us on the map or use EIRCODE to find us:
Chapel of Christ the Healer: T12 DC4A
- Chaplain: Canon Dr Daniel Nuzum
- Chaplaincy Office: The Chaplaincy Office is located beside the Roman Catholic Chapel of Christ our Saviour
- Assistant Chaplain: The Reverend David Bowles
Pastoral Care at Cork University Hospital is offered to staff, patients and their loved ones by the Healthcare Chaplaincy Team representing the main Christian Churches.
The Anglican Chapel of Christ the Healer on the main concourse of Cork University Hospital is a place of healing and peace for all.
Working closely with all who care for you while you are ill, the Church of Ireland chaplains Daniel Nuzum and David Bowles are available to provide pastoral care and spiritual support to you and your loved ones during your hospital stay. This includes journeying with you, being a listening presence, praying with and for you as appropriate as well as celebrating the Eucharist and offering anointing with oil and the laying-on-of-hands as part of the healing ministry of Christ and his church.
We aim to visit all Church of Ireland patients during their stay in hospital. If you or a loved one are in hospital please do feel free to let us know.
The Multi-Denominational Chaplaincy Team is available to you regardless of your religious or faith tradition or indeed if you profess no faith.