Moviddy Union

    Contact Details

  • The Rev. Jean Carney

  • Website

Places (Churches):

  • Aherla (Kilbonane/St Mark)
  • Kilmurry (St Andrew)
  • Templemartin (St Martin)

Find us on the map or use EIRCODE to find us: 

  • Aherla (Kilbonane/St Mark):  P31 RK51
  • Kilmurry (St Andrew): P14 YC92
  • Templemartin (St Martin): P72 P038

Sunday Service Times (Sundays of the month):

  • St. Martin’s Church, Templemartin
  • 09.45 am  – 1st, 3rd and 4th Sunday
  • St. Andrew’s Church, Kilmurry
  • 11.30 am  – 1st & 3rd Sunday
  • 09.45 am –  2nd Sunday
  • St, Mark’s Church, Kilbonane (Aherla)
  • 11.30am – 2nd & 4th Sunday

5th Sunday as announced.

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