Cork – Saint Fin Barre’s National School

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School Roll Number: 18356P

The school is under the patronage of the Bishop.


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St Fin Barre’s National School is located on Gillabbey Terrace in Cork City since 1960. In the 1950s there were three city centre schools – St Nicholas, Central (Christ Church) and St Fin Barre’s, Dean Street.  In 1957 when there were only 14 pupils left in St Nicholas it was amalgamated with Central. Central then amalgamated with St Fin Barre’s on the opening of new St Fin Barre’s National School off  Gillabbey Street.

St Fin Barre’s N.S. serves the parishes/communities of St Fin Barre and Carrigrohane.

It is a small school with a big heart. The Church of Ireland ethos permeates the whole life of the school.  The school seeks to nurture faith and a living relationship with God and with other people. The School is a community where all pupils are equally valued and respected, irrespective of sex, social background, family circumstances, educational achievement, physical characteristics or intellectual functioning.  Pupils experience a sense of caring and belonging, they are treated fairly and their spiritual, moral and religious development is encouraged, as is their intellectual, social and academic development.


St Fin Barre’s National School
Gilabbey Terrace


Ms Gillian Brady

(021) 431 4009

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