as part of the St Mary’s Church, Carrigaline Bicentenary Celebrations
as part of the St Mary’s Church, Carrigaline Bicentenary Celebrations
12 noon – public event for the customary year marking the 1400th anniversary ofthe death in 623 AD of Saint Fin Barre of Cork – individuals named after the Saint
and organisations named after the saint are all being invited to Saint Fin Barre’s
Cathedral for a short ceremony.
as part of the St Mary’s Church, Carrigaline Bicentenary Celebrations
3.30 p.m. Diocesan Evensong at which a newly written icon of Saint Fin Barre ofCork (written by Aidan Hart of London) will be consecrated by the Bishop.
Preacher: The Very Reverend Stephen Farrell, Dean of Ossory.
for clergy of the Diocese led by the Right Reverend Dr Richard Clarke, former Dean of Cork and former Archbishop of Armagh.
as part of the St Mary’s Church, Carrigaline Bicentenary Celebrations